Signs of Grace: You Are Sent prepares children to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation by helping them discover more deeply the presence and power of the Holy Spirit that they will receive in order to be sent on mission to be witnesses of Jesus. Parent sessions presented by world-acclaimed theologian and teacher Dr. Brant Pitre will help the entire family learn about the powerful and life-changing Sacrament of Confirmation.
This curriculum includes five sessions. Beginning with the story of the sending of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, each session will use Sacred Scripture and the teachings of the Catechism of the Catholic Church to help children to discover how the Holy Spirit is powerfully present in the Church and how the Sacrament of Confirmation is their own personal Pentecost, filling them with the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirt and sending them on a crucial mission to witness Christ in the world.
Activities, Scripture, videos, and stories are provided to engage both the mind and the heart so that the child can come to fully understand the gift of grace and mercy offered through the Sacrament.

Student Guide

Student Activity Book

Teacher Guide

Engaging Video Segments for each session

Prayer Cards and Certificates
- Saint prayer cards that coincide with the saints highlighted throughout the program.
- A colorful and engaging Book of Saints will help the children learn about the lives of many important Catholic saints to inspire them to live heroic lives for Christ and to help them to choose a Confirmation saint.
- Beautifully designed Confirmation certificates.

Session 1: The Sacrament of Confirmation
- Key focus: Welcome to Signs of Grace: You are Sent! Getting ready to receive your Confirmation is so exciting! Especially with an understanding and appreciation for what happens with this very special Sacrament of Initiation.

Session 2: Gifts, Fruits, and Charisms
- Key focus: The Holy Spirit provides us with a lot in the Sacrament of Confirmation. In this session we will go through the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit and also point those preparing for Confirmation towards their own individual charisms.

Session 3: You are Plugged In!
- Key focus: You are not alone when you receive your Confirmation! The Holy Spirit, the bishop and your sponsor are with you. Consider the ancient traditions of anointing with Sacred Chrism, pointing you back to the mission of your Baptism, and the laying on of hands, signifying the calling down of the Holy Spirit as you go forward. Through your Confirmation you are plugged into the universal Church.

Session 4: A Walk Through the Rite of Confirmation
- Key focus: Bishop Jorge walks through the Sacrament of Confirmation explaining the significance of each moment so that we can fully grasp what is happening and be open to the grace that the Holy Spirit is giving us.

Session 5: You are Sent
- Key focus: Confirmation gives us the power and grace of the Holy Spirit to be Christian witnesses. You are now sent out into the world to do what Jesus has asked of us. Go.

- Click here for a sample of the Teacher Guide
- Click here for a sample of the Student Guide
- Click here for a sample of the Activity Guide
- Click here for a sample of the Saint Booklet
- Scope and Sequence

You Are Sent Kit: $149.00
includes everything you need to run your class:
- 1 Teacher Guide 150 pages
- You Are Sent DVD Video for each of 5 sessions; approximately 35 total minutes of video content.
- 1 Student Guide 88 pages
- Student Activity Guide 80 pages
- 1 set of Certificates of Completion Pack of 20
- 1 set of Book of Saints Pack of 20
- 1 pack of Saint Prayers Cards 20 sets of 5
Program Components
- Teacher Guide: $44.95
150 pages
Volume Discounts Available
- Student Guide: $14.95
88 pages - Student Activity Book: $7.95
80 pages - Book of Saints for children $99.00 20 Pack – 120 pages per book
- Book of Saints $6.95 120 pages
- Certificates of Completion $14.95
20 Pack - Saint Prayer Cards $39.95
20-Packs of 5 Featured Saints